Park Campanula
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- Park Campanula
Park Campanula - Sint Maartenszee
A green park with many facilities, where privacy is paramount.
View the range of accommodations
At the cozy bungalow park in North Holland, near the sea in Sint Maartenszee. Thanks to the green character of the park, you can enjoy nature and the sea, the beach, and the dunes, all within a 10-minute bike ride. The accommodations are beautifully situated in the park and offer a lot of privacy and space all around.
Nice sporty, convenient, and cozy facilities for your stay.
In addition to the indoor swimming pool, playgrounds, tennis courts, and football field, practical facilities such as a launderette and bicycle rental are also present.
3 nights
2 people
2 people
Campanula 173
North Holland, Sint Maartenszee
- Pet allowed
- Garden fully enclosed
- Park Campanula
3 nights
2 people
2 people
Campanula 54
North Holland, Sint Maartenszee
- Garden fully enclosed
- Park Campanula
3 nights
2 people
2 people
Campanula 208
North Holland, Sint Maartenszee
- Garden fully enclosed
- Park Campanula
3 nights
2 people
2 people
Campanula 164
North Holland, Sint Maartenszee
- Garden fully enclosed
- Park Campanula
3 nights
2 people
2 people
Campanula 191
North Holland, Sint Maartenszee
- Pet allowed
- Garden fully enclosed
- Park Campanula